Health Highlights
Welcome to Health Highlights, EuroHealthNet's monthly newsletter. We bring you the most important news and information about health, equity, wellbeing, and their determinants.
The future European Health Union
Belgian Presidency of the Council of the EU steers the discussion towards strategic priorities for next European Commission health agenda
As part of the Presidency’s focus on ‘care, preparedness and protection’, a high-level conference was organised on the 26 and 27 March to reflect on future health priorities within the context of a stronger European Health Union. Key themes for discussion included health workforce shortages, delays in the European Beating Cancer Plan prevention files, and investments in health.
Ahead of the event, EuroHealthNet published the result of its Foresight analysis, focusing on what public health will look like in 2035. While the study identifies many persisting public health challenges, findings underscore that the future agenda of the European Health Union must be broadened to better include health promotion and disease prevention.
A landmark EU Council meeting between social and finance ministers
Ministers discussed the impact of social reforms and investments on growth and sustainability
The anticipated joint debate (the “JUMBO” Council) set the tone for better cross-sectoral cooperation. Discussions addressed the positive impact of investing in human capital across the socioeconomic gradient. EuroHealthNet applauds the initiative taken by the Belgian Presidency and calls for regular Jumbo meetings, also including health ministers.
In addition, the Council of Social Ministers agreed on minimum standards to improve working conditions for platform workers. They also discussed the future of the European Pillar of Social Rights (EPSR), highlighted areas such as upskilling and reskilling, increased social dialogue and combatting social exclusion. The Joint Employment Report, which reviews the social and health policies across the EU, was also adopted.
Children have a right to health in both physical and digital spaces
WHO/Europe sets out ambition to make the Region the healthiest online environment for children
As part of WHO/Europe’s Innovation Ecosystem for Public Health Meeting, a position statement was launched to prioritise online safety for children. It sets out the need to include children’s rights in all actions, protect children from unhealthy marketing and facilitate transparent and consistent monitoring of mandatory legislation.
At the event, EuroHealthNet spoke about the importance of this statement, which outlines necessary measures to create health-promoting online environments that enable children to thrive in safe spaces.
‘Europe is the fastest-warming continent in the world’
European Commission responds to alarming findings from the first-ever European Climate Risk Assessment
The risk assessment carried out by the European Environment Agency revealed that climate change can exacerbate other risks and crises, disproportionately impacting population groups in vulnerable circumstances. Recognising that these risks are shared between the EU and Member States, the report calls for urgent coordinated action at all governance levels.
In this context, the Commission adopted a communication on climate resilience, setting out the shared responsibility to act on climate risks, improve access to climate data, and create supportive finance structures. The Commission also invited countries to implement existing policies and update their national energy and climate plans due in June.
EuroHealthNet Partnership
EuroHealthNet weighs in on the upcoming Interinstitutional Declaration on the Future of Social Europe
In its input to the forthcoming Interinstitutional Declaration on Social Europe's future, EuroHealthNet emphasises the need for deeper integration of the European Pillar of Social Rights (EPSR) into EU frameworks. Adequate funding is also vital for successful implementation. EuroHealthNet supports a robust EPSR which champions health equity and a Wellbeing Economy.
Schools4Health training visit on healthy nutrition – “It’s time to change education - one step at a time!”
As part of the Schools4Health initiative led by EuroHealthNet, experts in education, health, and agriculture got together for a 3-day training visit on healthy nutrition in schools. On this occasion, school staff and project partners from Slovenia, Hungary, Spain, Belgium, and the Netherlands kickstarted the transfer and implementation plans of healthy nutrition practices.
New European Pillar of Social Rights flashcards dive into healthcare and social dialogue
As set out in EPSR Principle 16, equitable access to primary and community-based health, preventative and curative healthcare as well as long-term care is not only essential but a right. Stronger implementation is needed. Principle 8 focuses on social dialogue and involvement of workers as an important part of inclusive decision-making, also in public health and wellbeing policies.
First FEAST Policy Chat explores how the manipulation of food culture impacts food system policy
The webinar, which was co-organised by EuroHealthNet and FEAST, also focused on how nationalism and food cultures intersect, how social media can influence dietary behaviours, and how legal and policy governance are influenced by food cultures. Outputs will feed into FEAST policy activities and its research into gastronationalism. A recording of this webinar will soon be made available.
EuroHealthNet responds to EU consultations:
Read all our consultations here.
Ongoing consultations
Public Health Wales explores value-based approaches for investments in health and wellbeing
Public Health Wales sets out the importance of applying a social or public health value approach that focuses on what really matters to societies in a recent article. This approach can support spending and investing in health, which is more sustainable, evidence-informed and better tailored to the needs of communities.
Pharos’s new 'Delta plan' aims to reduce health inequalities in the Netherlands by 30% by 2040
The plan focuses efforts on three different areas: (1) reconsidering how we think about health, inequality, personal responsibility and inclusive societies; (2) reorganising action to reduce health inequalities through intersectoral collaboration; and (3) identifying and scaling-up current good practices.
Andalusia starts piloting social prescribing for physical activity
With the support of the Regional Ministry of Health and Consumer Affairs and the Andalusian Health Service, this pilot will involve 11 active physical exercise units and 15 health centres throughout the Region. This will help to develop and implement a system where health professionals can direct patients to the nearest unit to engage in physical exercise activities.
Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions supports research on community-based approaches to NCDs
The study looks at the factors that influence the implementation of the “Pep initiative”, which is based on intersectoral community-wide collaboration among Sweden's municipalities. Municipal professionals work with children, their parents and young people to create commitment to their health at community level, with a special focus on physical activity and healthy nutrition.
More news from the Partnership
- No McDonald’s in my village! At the Open Food Conference organised as part of the Belgian Presidency, EuroHealthNet Director Caroline Costongs, presented the successful case of the citizens action group to stop the fast-food establishment from setting up in Tervuren.
- Integrated health and social care systems are essential for health equity across the life course. This was EuroHealthNet’s message at the Winter School organised by ProMIS - Programma Mattone Internazionale Salute and the Forum of Non-Self-Sufficiency, one of Italy's largest congresses on long-term care and active and healthy aging.
- Do you want to help shape how health promoting practices are financed? Invest4Health is recruiting citizens and patients to join its Advisory Group and impact the future of health promotion. More information here.
- RIVER-EU's goal is to boost vaccine rates in underserved communities. In a newly-released video, The Prolepsis Institute showcases its work to increase HPV and MMR vaccination update among migrants and refugees in Greece.
- The Finnish Institute of Health and Welfare (THL) publishes a welfare economy monitoring index, which contains ten indicators to measure social, economic and ecological sustainability.
- Pharos Netherlands presents a new publication on social exclusion and health to the House of Representatives, to generate more political coordination in tackling socioeconomic health inequalities under the new cabinet.
- Public Health Scotland welcomes the latest developments by all governments in the UK to collectively put forward a Tobacco and Vapes Bill, to create a smoke-free generation and tackle youth vaping.
- The Norwegian Public Health Agency reports on how participation in cultural activities can benefit health in many ways at a societal level. This literature review has been carried out within the framework of the European project CultureForHealth.
- Trimbos’ started a new initiative that helps municipalities and social professionals provide specialist care for children in difficult home situations, to provide secure and healthy environments for them to grow up in.
News from the Institutions
European Parliament and Council come to a provisional agreement on air quality standards
MEPs and Ministers reached a deal on the revised Directive on Ambient Air Quality setting EU air quality standards for 2030 which are closer aligned with the WHO global air quality guidelines. It also introduces a zero-pollution for air objective by 2050. Read our colleague's analysis of the news.
Marking International Women’s Day, institutions reflect on gender equality in the region
The European Commission published a report on gender equality, focusing on achievements such as the European Care Strategy and new work-life balance rights. In a Council meeting, EU ministers supported a new Gender Equality Strategy post-2025. WHO/Europe also released two reports showing that digital health technologies positively impact women’s empowerment, and that gender-equitable health investments improve societal outcomes.
Addressing skills shortages for more resilient societies
A Study by WHO/Europe and the European Centre for Disease Control (ECDC) identifies skills shortages as a call to action to improve the use of behavioural and cultural insights in health policies and communication. This is particularly timely, as the European Commission adopted an Action Plan on labour and skills shortages to address challenges in the labour markets, and support skills development, training and education.
One step closer to a European Health Data Space and Artificial Intelligence Act
EU Ministers and MEPs provisionally agreed on the European Health Data Space, which will support the management of health data and stricter conditions for data reuse. While welcoming this development, EuroHealthNet reiterates its call for better health equity considerations.
The European Parliament also approved the Artificial Intelligence (AI) Act, introducing obligations to protect fundamental rights and environmental sustainability within AI systems.
What we are reading...
Behavioural and cultural insights WHO/Europe’s annual progress report on behavioural and cultural insights sets out the achievements in the field, with a focus on in-country projects, Member State engagement, capacity building and evidence generation.
Child health UNICEF and WHO produced a free online course to provide health professionals with tools to safeguard children’s environmental health, covering topics such as air pollution and climate change.
Climate and health WHO launches a repository of systematic reviews on interventions for environment, climate change and health, showcasing existing knowledge and evidence. It also launched a communication toolkit for health professionals on the health risks of climate change and health benefits of climate solutions.
Commercial determinants of health WHO/Europe calls for a more open discussion on the role of industry in delaying and watering down EU initiatives that address commercial determinants of health.
Education Investment in girls’ education pays off: UNESCO factsheet demonstrates that countries’ increased commitment to bridging the education gap is making a difference. However, pockets of exclusion remain.
Gender equality Marking International Women’s Day, the OECD investigates the countries’ progress in closing gender gaps in education and beyond. Despite progress, gender inequalities are still persistent from a young age in education and the labour market.
Gender equality Gender-responsive health systems are critical to delivering health for all. Universal health coverage can only be attained when gender inequalities and other drivers of inequality are effectively tackled - The Lancet.
Health literacy Improving health literacy from the early years improves chances for a more health literate future generation. An integrated approach to health literacy is needed, also within the context of health promotion for children – BMC public health.
Health systems Supported by the European Commission, a handbook developed by the OECD and the European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies provides health policy makers with tools to evaluate and improve their systems' resilience.
Housing In a study on socioeconomic inequalities in depressive symptoms and poor housing, findings show that the quality of housing has a role to play in lowering inequalities – National Library of Medicine.
Older persons The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) evaluates the challenges and opportunities of an ageing population in a new report, and additionally maps EU policies and avenues of opportunity for a future EU strategy for older people.
School environments In a first-time study on the spatial examination of alcohol availability and the level of disadvantage of schools in Ireland, findings showed that there was a higher number of licensed premises near schools in disadvantaged areas – BMC Public Health
Tobacco control Romania adopts law to prohibit the sale of electronic smoking devices to young people under 18, including through vending machines – Euractiv
Tobacco control Belgium will be the first country in Europe to ban the sale of disposable vapes from 2025.
Wellbeing Economy WHO publishes a global framework to integrate wellbeing into public health through the health promotion approach, to guide stakeholders in coordinated action which supports the wellbeing of people and the planet.
Young people In 2022, 17.4 million Europeans aged 15-29 years were at risk of poverty or social exclusion, of whom 4.1 million experienced severe material and social deprivation – Eurostat
- Global Public Health Week ‘Fostering Peace as a Prerequisite for Equitable Health’ – 8-12 April, online
- Reimagining an economy for resilient and healthier societies that leave no one behind - WHO Venice Office - 9 April
- The RRF as a Crisis Instrument: Track Record and Way Forward, Belgian Presidency of the Council of the EU – 9 April, Brussels (Belgium)
- Institute of Public Health Ireland webinar launching the health inequalities assessment case study – 9 April, online
- High-Level Event on Education: Education at the core of the Global Gateway – Belgian Presidency of the Council of the EU – 11 April, Brussels (Belgium)
- High-Level Conference: European Pillar of Social Rights, Belgian Presidency of the Council of the EU – 15-16 April, La Hulpe (Belgium)
- Ensuring healthy diets for better nutrition for all: accelerating efforts and leveraging partnerships for sustainable development, Belgian Presidency of the Council of the EU – 17 April, Ghent (Belgium)
- Lifelong Learning Conference, Belgian Presidency of the Council of the EU – 17-18 April, Brussels (Belgium)
- Healthcare needs as drivers for healthcare policy and innovation, Belgian Presidency of the Council of the EU – 17-18 April, Brussels (Belgium)
- Unlocking resilience in Belgium and Europe through climate and environment risk assessments, Belgian Presidency of the Council of the EU – 22 April, Brussels (Belgium)
- Symposium: experiences and perspectives on front-of-pack nutrition labelling systems, Belgian Presidency Council of the EU – 25 April, Brussels (Belgium)
- European Child Guarantee: from engagement to reality, Belgian Presidency Council of the EU – 2-3 May, Brussels (Belgium)
- Integrating Care, Strengthening Communities: The Data Connection, Belgian Presidency of the Council of the EU – 2-3 May, Leuven (Belgium)
- EuroHealthNet Annual Seminar: Navigating Times of Change for Public Health, 3 June 2024, Utrecht and online - For more info, please contact David Hargitt.
- Wellbeing Economy Forum – 11-12 June, Reykjavik (Iceland)
- 12th IUPHE European Conference on Health Promotion – 17-18 June, Lodz (Poland)
- 7th International Conference on Salutogenesis – June 19-20, Lotz (Poland)
- European Health Forum Gastein 2024: Shifting sands of health - Democracy, demographics, digitalisation, 24-27 September, Gastein (Austria)
- 17th European Public Health Conference + pre-conferences, 12-15 November, Lisbon (Portugal)
- Deadline for abstract submission: 1 May
In case you missed it...
- Planetary Health Dialogue – The Health Risks of Pollution: Assessing the Problem – 22 February (Recording available here)
- European Commission online marketplace for mental health best practice – 11-13 March (Flash report and presentations available here)
- European Commission information session on EU4Health call for proposals for a Framework Partnership Agreement for operating grants to NGOs – 15 March (Recording available here)
- European Commission Stakeholder webinar: prevention of non-communicable diseases – 20 March (Flash report and poster presentations available here)
EuroHealthNet is co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of EuroHealthNet only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.